Rent your house with us

If you have a holiday rental property and you don't know how to advertise through the different online platforms, you are fed up with the idea of receiving customers upon arrival and being at their beck and call during their stay, we can help you.

We are a company specialized in the management of homes for vacation rentals. We offer packages for the partial or complete management of your property. We inform you of every entry and exit of clients, their origin or even the minimum ages required for staying. Be part of the management of your home minus all the hassle that comes with it. Have it available whenever you want and rent it out only the weeks you choose to.

The majority of hosts see a significative increase in the monthly income as part of working with us, often more than 50%


  • Check-in / Check-out
  • Communication with the guests
  • Feedback review
  • Welcoming pack
  • Cleaning
  • Laundry
  • Supply
  • Urgencies
  • Location
  • Guests registry
  • Tax consultant
0 %
by reservation


  • Daily update of the price
  • Sign in booking platform
  • Advertisement optimization
  • Check-in / Check-out
  • Communication with the guests
  • Feedback review
  • Welcoming pack
  • Cleaning
  • Laundry
  • Supply
  • Urgencies
  • Location
  • Guests registry
  • Tax consultant
0 %
by reservation